(mantra changed to yantra in Kali-yuga-age)
Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be. (Bg 2.12)
"LIKE birds sitting on a high voltage wires, we are ignorant of the vast energies surrounding us, where The Paramaatma, the Oversoul can do anything, higher intelligence is governing our memories if we just open our eyes."
Hare Kṛṣṇa
about ISKCON
This website is made to introduce you to radiant energy, and the proof given here is to establish scientifically the basis of phenomena called for example radiant, scalar or zero-point energy (https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAARP), and deriving from that Kirlian photogaraphy, radionics, zapper electrotherapy and so on... Or like ISKCON's Founder Acharya HDG A.C.B.S. Srila Prabhupada said in his purport on SB 3.26.34 "This verse is the potential basis of great scientific research work" on ether (you may check in Śrī Īśopaniṣad's 11th verse also what was his opinion about nuclear power). And the reason would be the 100% empiric (reproducable) proof that electricity isn't just what is told (at least in western universities), but can be used again, from ethereal planes (Dirac's sea). Isn't it better know something real and not to depend on the university knowledge which is mostly in the modes of passion and ignorance and so there is no known contact to absolute reality, but their so called truth is changing all the time from one extreme to another, because they are reductionists and do not believe in 'ethereal or astral creation'. Srila-Prabhupada also said that scientists have a thermometer and that they think they can measure everything in the world with it only. And which destroys the whole science of Tesla is the thought that in electricity, the laws of thermodynamics could be applied. Tesla said: it's not like thermal energy, what he knows about electricity is, that it is, much more like a fluid. And so fluid mechanics is better applied in the case of the electricity.
Tesla found radiant energy in december 1891, and in 5 years time perfected it (pure radiant energy) and after that started to say his former system of alternating current is no good, but this new one is superior in every aspect, not least the fact that Tesla considered this as a link between this and archetypal world and that our nerves are wires also and they function on the same frequency or all the vast therapeutic uses of this radiant "earth" energy(check pyramids or egyptian 'lamps')) But the study of electricity was buried finally and totally in 1919, and last applications during 2nd world war in west, not only by J P Morgan, but by physicists like Einstein, who was only modifying Maxwell's equations like most of the physicists of the time. History of the war was then rewritten by Rockefeller foundation, with the money of StatOil. Tesla said Maxwell's equations to be nice poetry, but not more. And they are really not known as Maxwell did them, as QUATERNION CALCULUS but how Gibbs and Heaviside mutilated it into VECTOR CALCULUS to the second edition of this book and made rise to the today known electrical engineering by Charles Protheus Steinmetz (he solved wire transfer interference problems by applying the speed of light). But the so called scalar(non-vector) energy in the first place is very much different than longitudinal Hertzian waves which are moving in time. This all shows very well the vedic world view to be true. The truth that matter is just getting worser in all the ages or yugas, is very nicely shown here. The impact of matter and the materialistic scientists.
Here you can have a clue of world politics on this technology briefly, and links on page more http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/threads/india-permits-free-energy-technology.77713/ or here: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/04/15/breaking-news-over-unity-reactionless-generator-invented-in-india/
U.S. Government official's briefing from year 1986 http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/intro.htm1986
and on the newest changes on politics referring to fer-de-lance briefing above (straight from CIA) http://emediapress.com/category/research/
straight link: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240001-6.pdf
In finnish language some studies from Helsinki https://mesenaatti.me/steornin-ikiliikkujatekniikan-tutkimusprojekti/
Here is how Keppe-motors just won a grand price!! ;) http://www.keppemotor.com/institucional/keppe-motor-wins-innovation-technology-product-year-award-worlds-largest-electronics-trade-show/?lang=en
Some own projects: Bedini 4 dualpolar video , another little video (it still spins very much faster, very much, but I have lost my videos from the times I had a garage in my use) and diy Keppe-motor up and running (look at the blinking, it's free-energy) just click the links in this color to watch the videos straight from dropbox
Here is how Keppe-motors just won a grand price!! ;) http://www.keppemotor.com/institucional/keppe-motor-wins-innovation-technology-product-year-award-worlds-largest-electronics-trade-show/?lang=en
Some own projects: Bedini 4 dualpolar video , another little video (it still spins very much faster, very much, but I have lost my videos from the times I had a garage in my use) and diy Keppe-motor up and running (look at the blinking, it's free-energy) just click the links in this color to watch the videos straight from dropbox
Dollard made already as a child, a rod with amplifier and earphones and he heard energy lines snapping in the ether when he moved the metal rod horizontally. http://crystalradioinitiative.com/private.php
Comment to professor Eric Dollard's lecture from Norberto Keppe's: The New Physics derived from a disinverted metaphysics;A new breakthrough in Physics:
" Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity compared time and movement with speed of light, which is relative and secondary. I believe this theory is not based on the essential element, which is the vibration of energy. Today's physicists observe photons which move faster than the speed of light (E.P.R. paradox and Alain Aspect's non-locality experiment) -- so therefore essential energy moves almost instantly from one point to the other in time and space. In fact, in experiments we observe electrons moving from one place to another without being able to measure their trajectory. In fact, physicists know that electrons move at about 2, 190 kilometers per second. Einstein's theory became known as the theory of relativity due to the fact that it was based on the external movement of objects.
Einstein based his theory of relativity on the movement of celestial bodies, later expanding it to include other areas. He began with something secondary (resultant) and from it he elaborated a general principle. My theory seeks to explain the workings of the universe through an understanding of energetics, the fundamental underlying factor. The idea of the German-Jewish scholar was that motion generated a gravitational field (Einstein's principle of equivalence, the key idea of general relativity that gravity pulling in one direction is completely equivalent to an acceleration in the opposite direction), and not that the accelerating body captures an energy which already exists -- by the way, if this energy did not exist, movement itself would be impossible, not to mention spinning motors.
Newton's laws of motion are mechanistic, which means they explain things in a purely external manner. For example, he says that "if no force acts upon an object, it will not have acceleration" (first law). He does not consider the internal movement of the atoms in the body and where it is in the universe. I have created another set of laws based on vibration.
Laws of Vibratory Motion
* 1st Law:
There is no element (energy or matter) which does not vibrate.
* 2nd Law:
Vibration is the essence of existence.
* 3rd Law:
When vibration ceases, the object breaks up and disintegrates.
* 4th Law:
Only scalar vibration never ceases, even though it is not infinite.
I hope these new laws give a more all-encompassing idea about motion in Physics. The first law is completely different from Newton's: "if no force is exerted on it, an object remains still or it continues to move at a uniform vectorial velocity." Note that he only considered the body's external motion. Also note his second law: "the force that accelerates an object is equal to its mass multiplied by it's acceleration," and his third: "when two objects act upon each other, they experience equal forces in opposite directions."
Physicists believe that aircraft fly only because they are supported by the air, and not that the vibration of the aircraft's motors is in synch with scalar energy, keeping it in flight; I doubt that a 70-ton bird (like today's aircraft) would be able to fly using only its own wings. The aircraft's motors produce electricity through a spinning motion that captures external magnetism, propelling ships through space, sea and land. The magnet proves that energy exists in air, not to mention that the air itself is created by this immense force.
One cannot separate movement from energy, because the former is its result, or rather, in any phenomenon what we observe on the outside is always a consequence of something within and its manifestation. Nothing is purely external (as Physics commonly believes) because the inner element determines all. There is no effect without a cause, which is always internal.
Internal energy appears to be static, or in fact, nonexistent. But it is the strongest and most dynamic force of all. That is why many people want to experience it through contemplation and meditation - while external energy is deceptive, appearing to be enormously active. We know that the frequency of alpha brain waves is about 5 Hz and beta, 10Hz. This illustrates how the weakest frequencies (beta waves) are the most easily registered by instruments, while the stronger least detectable alpha waves, which correspond to a deeper level of consciousness, are transforming mankind. "
-- Norberto R. Keppe
The Fundamental Mistake in Physics Is of the Equation of Energy with Matter
I believe that the greatest and most fundamental mistake made by physicists is the idea that energy derives from matter, leading Einstein to make one equivalent with the other in his famous formula E =mc² (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). He reasoned: if the mass of a body increases with speed, and motion is a form of kinetic energy, then an increase in mass would cause a proportional increase in energy. Note that Einstein reasoned erroneously in believing that energy is a byproduct of matter.
Physics commits the same mistake as Darwin's evolutionism, Adam Smith's capitalism, Marx's socialism and Freud's psychopathology. In short, modern science has been practicing this form of reasoning since it broke with its metaphysical foundations. To clarify: contemporary thought has stopped following a logical sequence in analyzing the facts, as if everything comes from nothing and specifically that energy originates from matter. If this were the case, where, then, would matter come from?
-- Norberto R. Keppe
Keppe Motor
The back cover:
The discoveries of Physics are fundamental if we are to know not only biology and genetics, but especially psychology. But each of these three scientific fields has been inspired by Aristotelian metaphysics which the author of this book has been studying for 48 years. Keppe believes that the basic structure of Aristotle's scientific orientation is inverted and this has led the sciences to follow the same path.
Here, Norberto Keppe R. Keppe demonstrates the need to unify these three sectors (Physics, biology and psychology) so that each one can be entirely understood, since they are complementary and at the same time independent of one another.
Comment to professor Eric Dollard's lecture from Norberto Keppe's: The New Physics derived from a disinverted metaphysics;A new breakthrough in Physics:
" Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity compared time and movement with speed of light, which is relative and secondary. I believe this theory is not based on the essential element, which is the vibration of energy. Today's physicists observe photons which move faster than the speed of light (E.P.R. paradox and Alain Aspect's non-locality experiment) -- so therefore essential energy moves almost instantly from one point to the other in time and space. In fact, in experiments we observe electrons moving from one place to another without being able to measure their trajectory. In fact, physicists know that electrons move at about 2, 190 kilometers per second. Einstein's theory became known as the theory of relativity due to the fact that it was based on the external movement of objects.
Einstein based his theory of relativity on the movement of celestial bodies, later expanding it to include other areas. He began with something secondary (resultant) and from it he elaborated a general principle. My theory seeks to explain the workings of the universe through an understanding of energetics, the fundamental underlying factor. The idea of the German-Jewish scholar was that motion generated a gravitational field (Einstein's principle of equivalence, the key idea of general relativity that gravity pulling in one direction is completely equivalent to an acceleration in the opposite direction), and not that the accelerating body captures an energy which already exists -- by the way, if this energy did not exist, movement itself would be impossible, not to mention spinning motors.
Newton's laws of motion are mechanistic, which means they explain things in a purely external manner. For example, he says that "if no force acts upon an object, it will not have acceleration" (first law). He does not consider the internal movement of the atoms in the body and where it is in the universe. I have created another set of laws based on vibration.
Laws of Vibratory Motion
* 1st Law:
There is no element (energy or matter) which does not vibrate.
* 2nd Law:
Vibration is the essence of existence.
* 3rd Law:
When vibration ceases, the object breaks up and disintegrates.
* 4th Law:
Only scalar vibration never ceases, even though it is not infinite.
I hope these new laws give a more all-encompassing idea about motion in Physics. The first law is completely different from Newton's: "if no force is exerted on it, an object remains still or it continues to move at a uniform vectorial velocity." Note that he only considered the body's external motion. Also note his second law: "the force that accelerates an object is equal to its mass multiplied by it's acceleration," and his third: "when two objects act upon each other, they experience equal forces in opposite directions."
Physicists believe that aircraft fly only because they are supported by the air, and not that the vibration of the aircraft's motors is in synch with scalar energy, keeping it in flight; I doubt that a 70-ton bird (like today's aircraft) would be able to fly using only its own wings. The aircraft's motors produce electricity through a spinning motion that captures external magnetism, propelling ships through space, sea and land. The magnet proves that energy exists in air, not to mention that the air itself is created by this immense force.
One cannot separate movement from energy, because the former is its result, or rather, in any phenomenon what we observe on the outside is always a consequence of something within and its manifestation. Nothing is purely external (as Physics commonly believes) because the inner element determines all. There is no effect without a cause, which is always internal.
Internal energy appears to be static, or in fact, nonexistent. But it is the strongest and most dynamic force of all. That is why many people want to experience it through contemplation and meditation - while external energy is deceptive, appearing to be enormously active. We know that the frequency of alpha brain waves is about 5 Hz and beta, 10Hz. This illustrates how the weakest frequencies (beta waves) are the most easily registered by instruments, while the stronger least detectable alpha waves, which correspond to a deeper level of consciousness, are transforming mankind. "
-- Norberto R. Keppe
The Fundamental Mistake in Physics Is of the Equation of Energy with Matter
I believe that the greatest and most fundamental mistake made by physicists is the idea that energy derives from matter, leading Einstein to make one equivalent with the other in his famous formula E =mc² (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). He reasoned: if the mass of a body increases with speed, and motion is a form of kinetic energy, then an increase in mass would cause a proportional increase in energy. Note that Einstein reasoned erroneously in believing that energy is a byproduct of matter.
Physics commits the same mistake as Darwin's evolutionism, Adam Smith's capitalism, Marx's socialism and Freud's psychopathology. In short, modern science has been practicing this form of reasoning since it broke with its metaphysical foundations. To clarify: contemporary thought has stopped following a logical sequence in analyzing the facts, as if everything comes from nothing and specifically that energy originates from matter. If this were the case, where, then, would matter come from?
-- Norberto R. Keppe
Keppe Motor
The back cover:
The discoveries of Physics are fundamental if we are to know not only biology and genetics, but especially psychology. But each of these three scientific fields has been inspired by Aristotelian metaphysics which the author of this book has been studying for 48 years. Keppe believes that the basic structure of Aristotle's scientific orientation is inverted and this has led the sciences to follow the same path.
Here, Norberto Keppe R. Keppe demonstrates the need to unify these three sectors (Physics, biology and psychology) so that each one can be entirely understood, since they are complementary and at the same time independent of one another.
Borderland sciences research foundation, lots of knowledge
Here is a quickly made introduction, the old page starts below solar panel photo. I started studying in 2009. I started from HHO car units and now the last one was the Murakami plasma ignition, which seems to be very effective way to make big energy savings, through ionization of the air. Lately my stars have moved to other locations, but I don't want still this information to be lost. And it seems Hare Krishna maha-mantra gives best of the stars born under, so I am contemplating on carrying on the projects maybe, even soon. But on Tesla's pulsed dc.
Here is good example of electricity produced without induction type generators: Tariel Kapanadze's 100kW free energy device in Turkey). But the phenomenon is the same or known as Tesla's pulsed DC. It should be like this link or this, which is going on without batteries, and that's easy to achieve, you should just use normal electrolytic capacitors and with no doubt this latter link's fairly expensive ferrite core to get to that brigthness!
Little bit more Keppe:
Science Originates in the Human Mind
When Heisenberg met Einstein in the spring of 1926 in Berlin, he became astonished with Einstein’s statement that “theory determines what can be observed” (Pages of Reflection, W. Heisenberg, page 84), demonstrating clearly that every scientific work comes from the mind of a human being which provides what is needed to accomplish the task. Human beings create science, society and civilization itself; but, we must distinguish thoughts which are correct from those which are incorrect. The former allows for true scientific knowledge and the latter spreads terrible confusion throughout the world but there can be no doubt that humans create science. After all, the mind works according to the laws of nature and even machines do the same perfectly or erroneously, according to their connection with reality. Therefore, to speak about the philosophy of science is nonsense, because philosophy comes first and precedes science (we cannot derive philosophy from an experiment). No matter how many experimental inductions one makes, they will always be guided by ones thoughts -- and only in accordance with the philosophy of the individual.
We can say that science itself is necessary for a thought or a belief (a theology) to be proven, but not to formulate them because thought and theology come from a higher level. There is no philosophy of science, and nor is there inductive science. What exists is either a right or wrong way of thinking. The former, in accordance with a correct philosophy or science and the latter, with a false philosophy or science. Both the philosopher and the experimenter use their minds to do everything, and the results are either truthful or deceptive, according to their way of thinking.
The conclusions one draws from an experiment come mainly from one’s head, whether these conclusions are correct or not, and the results of a scientific experiment will be either correct or incorrect automatically following the mind that performs it. First, the scientist falsely interprets the phenomena, and then, based on his mistakes, he creates an equally false philosophy. . Physics has come to believe that nature is chaotic and that only physicists could bring order (Law of Entropy) and not that nature itself is perfect but human beings create confusion and the physicists theorize about it! Physics has suffered the consequences of human pathology, becoming seriously ill as well. For example, beginning with a false premise, Einstein arrived at a series of equally false conclusions such as the idea that “light has mass” (“Energy,” Visual Science, Verbo Publishing House, page 44) and not that light would be one of the first visual manifestations of essential scalar energy, before mass is formed.
Eric P Dollard's new book
Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems
Very nice inventions, by the inventor (Homepage , more knowledge on him and his inventions)
Here is a quickly made introduction, the old page starts below solar panel photo. I started studying in 2009. I started from HHO car units and now the last one was the Murakami plasma ignition, which seems to be very effective way to make big energy savings, through ionization of the air. Lately my stars have moved to other locations, but I don't want still this information to be lost. And it seems Hare Krishna maha-mantra gives best of the stars born under, so I am contemplating on carrying on the projects maybe, even soon. But on Tesla's pulsed dc.
Here is good example of electricity produced without induction type generators: Tariel Kapanadze's 100kW free energy device in Turkey). But the phenomenon is the same or known as Tesla's pulsed DC. It should be like this link or this, which is going on without batteries, and that's easy to achieve, you should just use normal electrolytic capacitors and with no doubt this latter link's fairly expensive ferrite core to get to that brigthness!
Little bit more Keppe:
Science Originates in the Human Mind
When Heisenberg met Einstein in the spring of 1926 in Berlin, he became astonished with Einstein’s statement that “theory determines what can be observed” (Pages of Reflection, W. Heisenberg, page 84), demonstrating clearly that every scientific work comes from the mind of a human being which provides what is needed to accomplish the task. Human beings create science, society and civilization itself; but, we must distinguish thoughts which are correct from those which are incorrect. The former allows for true scientific knowledge and the latter spreads terrible confusion throughout the world but there can be no doubt that humans create science. After all, the mind works according to the laws of nature and even machines do the same perfectly or erroneously, according to their connection with reality. Therefore, to speak about the philosophy of science is nonsense, because philosophy comes first and precedes science (we cannot derive philosophy from an experiment). No matter how many experimental inductions one makes, they will always be guided by ones thoughts -- and only in accordance with the philosophy of the individual.
We can say that science itself is necessary for a thought or a belief (a theology) to be proven, but not to formulate them because thought and theology come from a higher level. There is no philosophy of science, and nor is there inductive science. What exists is either a right or wrong way of thinking. The former, in accordance with a correct philosophy or science and the latter, with a false philosophy or science. Both the philosopher and the experimenter use their minds to do everything, and the results are either truthful or deceptive, according to their way of thinking.
The conclusions one draws from an experiment come mainly from one’s head, whether these conclusions are correct or not, and the results of a scientific experiment will be either correct or incorrect automatically following the mind that performs it. First, the scientist falsely interprets the phenomena, and then, based on his mistakes, he creates an equally false philosophy. . Physics has come to believe that nature is chaotic and that only physicists could bring order (Law of Entropy) and not that nature itself is perfect but human beings create confusion and the physicists theorize about it! Physics has suffered the consequences of human pathology, becoming seriously ill as well. For example, beginning with a false premise, Einstein arrived at a series of equally false conclusions such as the idea that “light has mass” (“Energy,” Visual Science, Verbo Publishing House, page 44) and not that light would be one of the first visual manifestations of essential scalar energy, before mass is formed.
Eric P Dollard's new book
Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems
Very nice inventions, by the inventor (Homepage , more knowledge on him and his inventions)
"The ether existed then and it exists now, despite the lock step denials by mainstream science, past or present. Rudolf Steiner, another man of genius, affirmed that the ether was composed of four fractions which he described as 1) the Light Ether, 2) the Warmth Ether, 3) the Chemical Ether, and 4) the Life Ether, a combination of the first three. Tesla’s New York and Colorado experiments confirmed for him that Radiant energy was bound up within the elusive ether, but could be made manifest by the creation of an abrupt disruption in the equilibrium of the ether fractions using one way, high magnitude pulses of short duration.
This was the key that unlocked Radiant Energy."
This was the key that unlocked Radiant Energy."
This is Kapagene, Tariel Kapanadze's device made J.L.Naudin, should x10 the input power. One time I thought that I maybe saw stationary and standing wave electricity sparks when disconnecting and connecting the wires in one machine, that would be in colour blue and yellow electricity, and would be known as common electricity and radiant energy or cold electricity
Make a Tesla device..
..and put it on an induction cooktop!! To get electricity, but please be cautious not to touch on wires! You could also check similarities with Chakravyuha!!
Old page

Mono- or polycrystalline silicon solar panels (designed for satellites) shouldn't be too good, and in fact studies show, that they are 30 to 60 percent less effective in cloudier regions of earth(Bhu) globe(loka), than amorphous (a-si) panels. And own experience shows, that if there is any kind of darker shadow on crystal panel, it won't charge at all, but at least with linear regulator amplifier as a solar controller you can apply load at the same time, and that way get some of it used.
Few studies that show evidence of a-si compared to mono- or polycrystal:
1. http://www.sinonarsolar.com/english/technology/asi.asp
2. http://www.energymatters.com.au/renewable-energy/solar-power/thin-film-monocrystalline.php
Beside of this you should know maybe about other free energy sources also http://www.free-energy.ws/technologies.html
Few studies that show evidence of a-si compared to mono- or polycrystal:
1. http://www.sinonarsolar.com/english/technology/asi.asp
2. http://www.energymatters.com.au/renewable-energy/solar-power/thin-film-monocrystalline.php
Beside of this you should know maybe about other free energy sources also http://www.free-energy.ws/technologies.html
And here is a very nice documentary about germany's renewable energy politics and how there first had to be fight against these paid energy "experts", although it is already few years old.
And here a documentary more far out, like I like it, these guys hiding in the bushes, back then, from different officials :) :) :) This is the black humor of this age. Eric Dollard: The Tesla-Marconi wireless system
But back to business, in reality it's little harder to get these amorphous panels, although it is the same price, but many will try to sell you poly- or monocrystalline panels suverenely as amorphous at least in the internet. So you just checkout that it is really a-si or thin film or amorphous thin film. You can easily also see that in amorphous panels the color is very smooth and same in everywhere and many times also they are also partially transparent. They are made by spraying three layers of silicon very smoothly above eachother.
Ok, Kaneka(Japan) has this tandem solar panel, which has both the crystalline and amorphous silicon panel. Unisolar has nice flexible and non-flexible amorphous solar cells, which resembles the area that the Kaneka panel takes, (without the tandem structure, and without it's fragileness and heaviness, which are not so important in well designed structures, but would say, I think many times cheaper. You can also only roll these mats, easily even on wooden structures, and then for tracking using maybe Tesla Solartracker 5) Kaneka is quite heavy and big. http://www.kaneka-solar.com/product/thin-film/pdf/U-EA.pdf
Here are the company pages http://www.kaneka-solar.com/ and they have affiliate in Belgium. But I prefer at the moment the flexible solar cell, from which of, this is a good example. Or the thin film partly transparent, but I don't have them now because it's not easy to get them in right voltage (12v or 24v) for the Tesla Solar Tracker 5. I personally have found them from Amazon.com and you could try Ebay.
And here a documentary more far out, like I like it, these guys hiding in the bushes, back then, from different officials :) :) :) This is the black humor of this age. Eric Dollard: The Tesla-Marconi wireless system
But back to business, in reality it's little harder to get these amorphous panels, although it is the same price, but many will try to sell you poly- or monocrystalline panels suverenely as amorphous at least in the internet. So you just checkout that it is really a-si or thin film or amorphous thin film. You can easily also see that in amorphous panels the color is very smooth and same in everywhere and many times also they are also partially transparent. They are made by spraying three layers of silicon very smoothly above eachother.
Ok, Kaneka(Japan) has this tandem solar panel, which has both the crystalline and amorphous silicon panel. Unisolar has nice flexible and non-flexible amorphous solar cells, which resembles the area that the Kaneka panel takes, (without the tandem structure, and without it's fragileness and heaviness, which are not so important in well designed structures, but would say, I think many times cheaper. You can also only roll these mats, easily even on wooden structures, and then for tracking using maybe Tesla Solartracker 5) Kaneka is quite heavy and big. http://www.kaneka-solar.com/product/thin-film/pdf/U-EA.pdf
Here are the company pages http://www.kaneka-solar.com/ and they have affiliate in Belgium. But I prefer at the moment the flexible solar cell, from which of, this is a good example. Or the thin film partly transparent, but I don't have them now because it's not easy to get them in right voltage (12v or 24v) for the Tesla Solar Tracker 5. I personally have found them from Amazon.com and you could try Ebay.
Flexible unisolar (USA) 144watt panel gives 115 watts though the weather is partly cloudy (when 130w is quite the max. in Finland from this kind of panel).
Still taking more than 100 watts, although it's quite cloudy, this is the advantage of the amorphous or a-si panels compared to mono- or polycrystalline.

The cheapest panel though at this moment that I have found of these amorphous a-si thin film panels are ones sold through Chinese company named AmpleSun Solar(AliBaba.com trader, so you need to have Business ID) which have a stock in Hamburg(no taxes! inside EU). The price is 0.25 euros/watt + shipping(with MOQ or minimum order quantity of 30 panels(100w) it makes some 750 dollars+shipments from Hamburg of 650kg), which means maybe with solar tracker 5 the payback could be less than 2 years including shipments, but the tracker costs (with right voltage for tracker panels are 0,65 dollar/watt + shipping, with moq [minimum order quantity] of 3300watts, which makes 2145 dollars+shipment from Hamburg of about 650 kg). This makes the option of a 12V system with Tesla SolarTracker 5 12V as controller quite the same price, or almost cheaper (usually 24V SolarTracker almost have double amperage or the overall output compared to price).
Ok, but this cadget that I am testing is Teslacharger's Solartracker 5, which has nice technology inside. It is a linear regulator amplifier circuit which can use solar panels' open circuit voltage and and that way also charge many hours longer daily. This amplifier fully top ups the batteries to 15,2 volts, without boiling them, which completely eliminates the sulfation in the batteries and so them last for very long time, without having to buy new ones, maybe you don't even have to buy new ones never in your life time, because I have heard that 100 years is not so much to expect for a battery to last, when it is fully charged every time. This is quite much the same as in Wolfram bulbs, with just a little thicker Wolfram would make them last for about 100 years. And if the sulfuric acid is something you don't like you can always change the battery water to natrium carbonate water, it should only make them slower to take and give power. It is also said that U.S. government, uses this semi secret circuitry in their solar power plants and gear.
The system I have under test is quite big it's 80 amp 24 volt Tesla Solartracker 5, this means output of 2,4 kwatts at max (now I have only 144watt panel as input). So I have calculated that this kind of equipment (including all:low frequency inverter(!), wires, batteries, Solartracker 5 and the panels and mounting) would cost something around 5000 to 12 000 euros and without Solar Tracker 5 at least 3000 euros, and would easily give 12 kwatts per day, but in Winter time, if max output for 5 hours a day , I think is just too much to expect in the winter time(in Finland/Sweden maybe not anymore in Belgium)), so it would be approx. 4350 kwatts/year. That means in Finland's electricity price 870 euros savings in energy bill, so the payback time would be something from 7 to 20 years. And after that it's all free, and the maintenance, which there should be minimal at least in the first 25 years, because that's the usual length of panel warranties(85% efficiency or something like that). The payback time can also be much shorter, depending on control circuitry, or mostly on the price of the panels and they're mounting and what kind of inverter is needed, and if you don't want to buy new one once in a while then you should really use a LOW FREQUENCY INVERTER, which are available for example in Ebay.
Ofcourse for holiday use there is this 36watt system where the tracker cost is something 160 euros. And these are something I am currently testing. http://www.teslachargers.com/solartrackeriii.html . I will put to the end here also few pictures of some free-energy devices which I have made from ready examples, from these should the energy cost come even lower in quite near future. Here is a link to free-energy documentary: Free energy The race to zero point, and to a nice page of free-energy pioneer ex military officer Tom Bearden; http://www.cheniere.org/ and as a cherry on the cake, so as to speak, some 3000 pages book, with only Free-energy devices, more than 1000 different: http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/PJKBook.html. And that is only 5% of the information provided on this page: http://www.free-energy-info.tuks.nl/ And if you try to understand the free energy concept you should know about the gauge theory and in that, about re-gauging. And always chant: Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare , and be happy! :)
please listen to this narration which is so Soul saving in this time: Srimad Bhagavatam
or maybe first Bhagavad-Gītā!!
Ok, but this cadget that I am testing is Teslacharger's Solartracker 5, which has nice technology inside. It is a linear regulator amplifier circuit which can use solar panels' open circuit voltage and and that way also charge many hours longer daily. This amplifier fully top ups the batteries to 15,2 volts, without boiling them, which completely eliminates the sulfation in the batteries and so them last for very long time, without having to buy new ones, maybe you don't even have to buy new ones never in your life time, because I have heard that 100 years is not so much to expect for a battery to last, when it is fully charged every time. This is quite much the same as in Wolfram bulbs, with just a little thicker Wolfram would make them last for about 100 years. And if the sulfuric acid is something you don't like you can always change the battery water to natrium carbonate water, it should only make them slower to take and give power. It is also said that U.S. government, uses this semi secret circuitry in their solar power plants and gear.
The system I have under test is quite big it's 80 amp 24 volt Tesla Solartracker 5, this means output of 2,4 kwatts at max (now I have only 144watt panel as input). So I have calculated that this kind of equipment (including all:low frequency inverter(!), wires, batteries, Solartracker 5 and the panels and mounting) would cost something around 5000 to 12 000 euros and without Solar Tracker 5 at least 3000 euros, and would easily give 12 kwatts per day, but in Winter time, if max output for 5 hours a day , I think is just too much to expect in the winter time(in Finland/Sweden maybe not anymore in Belgium)), so it would be approx. 4350 kwatts/year. That means in Finland's electricity price 870 euros savings in energy bill, so the payback time would be something from 7 to 20 years. And after that it's all free, and the maintenance, which there should be minimal at least in the first 25 years, because that's the usual length of panel warranties(85% efficiency or something like that). The payback time can also be much shorter, depending on control circuitry, or mostly on the price of the panels and they're mounting and what kind of inverter is needed, and if you don't want to buy new one once in a while then you should really use a LOW FREQUENCY INVERTER, which are available for example in Ebay.
Ofcourse for holiday use there is this 36watt system where the tracker cost is something 160 euros. And these are something I am currently testing. http://www.teslachargers.com/solartrackeriii.html . I will put to the end here also few pictures of some free-energy devices which I have made from ready examples, from these should the energy cost come even lower in quite near future. Here is a link to free-energy documentary: Free energy The race to zero point, and to a nice page of free-energy pioneer ex military officer Tom Bearden; http://www.cheniere.org/ and as a cherry on the cake, so as to speak, some 3000 pages book, with only Free-energy devices, more than 1000 different: http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/PJKBook.html. And that is only 5% of the information provided on this page: http://www.free-energy-info.tuks.nl/ And if you try to understand the free energy concept you should know about the gauge theory and in that, about re-gauging. And always chant: Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare , and be happy! :)
please listen to this narration which is so Soul saving in this time: Srimad Bhagavatam
or maybe first Bhagavad-Gītā!!
A Tesla valvular conduit working principle diagram and John Bedini's (Peter Lindemann's) and his team's; Energenx, readymade, quite extraordinary apparatuses.
Bedini 3 pole monopole with SGS (School Girl Circuit) in motion with generator coil (top) for leds on.
self-made Marko Rodin's Rodin coil: a "starship coil" and the Rodin coil itself on the right.
If you look closely enough you can see Vedic mathematic principles on it, the circle of nine. And the Inventor has made it all up from the name of God(Bahai)! Just google some video of him or click(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K93dL65Q724).
Here is one example you can do (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQKaYo3XYpQ), and I'm doing a quite a bit smaller (Bedini 4 coil dualpolar magnetic energizer senior). Some of those video scale motors, I have heard, could draw up to 20 kW of power.
some affiliate e-book links: Home energy savings guide - retail $27
The basics of free energy, so that even a child can understand: The Quantum Key by Aaron Murakami - $17
If you look closely enough you can see Vedic mathematic principles on it, the circle of nine. And the Inventor has made it all up from the name of God(Bahai)! Just google some video of him or click(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K93dL65Q724).
Here is one example you can do (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQKaYo3XYpQ), and I'm doing a quite a bit smaller (Bedini 4 coil dualpolar magnetic energizer senior). Some of those video scale motors, I have heard, could draw up to 20 kW of power.
some affiliate e-book links: Home energy savings guide - retail $27
The basics of free energy, so that even a child can understand: The Quantum Key by Aaron Murakami - $17
Battery Secrets by Peter Lindemann - $27
Battery Secrets and Battery Rejuvenation Combo Pak by Peter Lindemann- $47
Battery Secrets and Battery Rejuvenation Combo Pak by Peter Lindemann- $47
P.S. Prefer always LF (low frequency) inverters (find them for example in Ebay) and working with batteries please always use proper color codes on wires, that is a safety issue. Also protective glasses can be usefull working with a battery. BTW if your interested more in motor than "generator", with thrust or torque, please visit Keppe Motor. Here is a link to how to calibrate it.
Always just chant: Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare , and be happy! :) Jaya Girivaradhari! And please listen to this study of transcendence, which is so Soul saving at this time: Srimad Bhagavatam or if you haven't heard Bhagavad-Gītā then you should start from that.
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